
FCC Site – We don’t need no stinking noise floor!

I finally caught up with Pat Wilke, KL7JA a few days ago.  Pat hung out with me in the tent for a good portion of the night during Field Day this year at the FCC site.   I was working 40 and 80 meters using the club’s Steppir Vertical.  We’ve had great success on 40 and 80 meters consistently during Field Day when operating from the FCC site and Kincaid Park.  It’s pretty remarkable how low the noise floor is there as compared to the rest of the Anchorage bowl.  I couldn’t help but ask Pat to snap a couple of photos.

See below:

40 Meters. Oh my. Doesn’t get any better than this!


80 meters: Not too shabby!

These should speak for themselves!  Notice the S-ZERO noise floor on 40 meters and all the signals up and down the band!  Makes a DXer/contester’s mouth water!  Not too shabby on 80 meters either, considering we’re using a vertical.  You can see the signals on the band even though there is about S-3 noise.

Just wanted to share some fun memories, and looking forward to a permanent residence at that fine location!  Let’s keep our fingers crossed!


Kent, KL5T